2024 Symposium Videos

Access exclusive conference videos from the first Hodgkin’s International Symposium
We are happy to be able to share high quality video recordings of the presentations. You are welcome to explore this valuable content below. Please consider supporting our work with a donation of any amount. Thank you.
Morning Presentations
Still Here – Five Decades of Surviving Cancer
Erin Geddis Cummings
The State of Cancer Survivorship
Dr. Emily Tonorezos
Caring for Survivors of Hodgkin Lymphoma: It Really Does Take a Village
Dr. Larissa Nekhlyudov
An Evidence-Based Hodgkin Lymphoma Educational Resource
Dr. Kate Dibble
Envisioning What Survivorship Care Should Look Like
Panel moderated by Sophia Smith
Afternoon Presentations
Reflections on 30 Years of Providing Care for Hodgkin Survivors
Dr. Kevin Oeffinger
Living Well Beyond Cancer – The Role of Comprehensive Cancer Rehabilitation
Dr. Michael Stubblefield
Advocating for Better Survivorship Care
Shelley Fuld Nasso, MPP
Planning the Pathway to Excellent Survivorship Care
Panel moderated by Tess Nowell
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