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Voices of Hodgkin’s Blog
Voices of Hodgkin’s Blog
Two Marathon Runners And Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Survivors – Giving Back And Doing Incredible Things
Ellis Strategies, Boston, MA –

By Matt Ellis and Regina Norfolk – January 2024 marked 25 years that Elena Togashi has been in remission from Hodgkin lymphoma. To mark this incredible milestone, the 45-year-old cancer survivor will run this year’s Boston Marathon with the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team.

You Aren’t Alone: Navigating the Financial Impact of Cancer
The Bloodline with LLS: A Podcast for Patients and Caregivers –

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society offers numerous programs and webinars via their website and “The Bloodline With LLS.” This webinar is a great example of how LLS continues to support survivors of all ages. Monica Bryant, cancer rights attorney and founder of “Triage Cancer” provides spot-on advice as well as several resources on the subject of financial toxicity.

The Late Effects Of Childhood Cancer
Cancer Today –

Hodgkin’s International was honored to be mentioned in this recent article about late effects that appeared in “Cancer Today,” a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Listen to the “Healthcare After Cancer Podcast”
Stanford Medicine –

Meet Dr. Stephanie Smith, Dr. Lidia Schapira, Elle Billman, and Dr. Natasha Steele – the “dream team” from Stanford Medicine who have created an exciting new resource for cancer survivors. This podcast offers a unique opportunity to hear directly from both survivors and experts in survivorship care on a wide range of subjects. It is informative, engaging, and just what we need to feel less alone in our struggles.

Facing the Fear of Cancer Recurrence: A Closer Look at What Triggers It and What You Can Do About It
Coping Magazine –

Almost all cancer survivors have a few things in common: shock at being diagnosed, significant challenges in dealing with the side effects of treatment, and anxiety or worry when active treatment ends and the oncologist’s office says, “We’ll see you in three months.”

‘Patient Is Otherwise Healthy’
JCO Oncology Practice –

Being diagnosed with cancer at any age puts many in a tailspin.

What’s Love Got to Do With It? Who needs a heart when healthcare is broken?
Cancer Culture –

Dr. Stacy Wentworth is a radiation oncology specialist in Greensboro, North Carolina, and an Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at Wake Forest School of Medicine.

It Takes a Lifetime to Survive Childhood Cancer
New York Times –

One night in 1981, in the middle of bath time, Marty Gonzalez noticed a strange glow that seemed to emanate from inside one of the eyes of her 9-month-old daughter, Marissa.

A Conversation with Childhood Cancer Survivor & Musician Ryan Hamner
Coping With Cancer Magazine –

Ryan Hamner is a four-time Hodgkin’s survivor, musician, and author. Like many of us, Ryan has experienced some of the Late Effects of his treatment, including cardiac problems.

Ten Lessons I Learned From Surviving Three Cancers
Coping Magazine –

Coping Magazine is one of our “go-to” publications for keeping survivors both informed and inspired. This article is a perfect example of why that is. The author, Heather Hall, is a three-time survivor of cancer. Her story and her sage advice make for a good read.